Monday, October 16, 2017


Hey guys, Cupcake here.

Fun fact, my username cupcakemaster11 comes from my favourite desert and my age at the time of account’s creation.

So obviously, this blog is very dead and has been for god knows how long. I originally started this page in hopes of becoming famous and fufiling my own petty desires of being popular and “rare”.

But so much more has come out of this little website then I could’ve ever imagined. The AJ Icing On Top Blog has only seen about 2000 page views in the longevity of it's exsistance which is honestly very surprising considering how I constantly failed to provide sufficient advertising. Nevertheless, it was a great experience that I fondly look back on during times of solitude and sadness. My childish demeanor and lack of understanding towards others are quite funny and make me realize how much I’ve grown as a person.

Since (obviously) this blog was not much of a success, I soon started a YouTube channel with some of the most cringy content on the internet. My hopeless YouTube channel consisted of animal jam music videos for the first month or so. I remember pouring so much love and effort into each one, eager to show the world what I had to offer. I sent many links to my friends through google plus, not knowing if they would watch it or not but continuously longing to attract some form of attention.

Alas, my efforts were in vain due to the fact that I was always outdone by another. The aching pain of neglect enveloped me in despair as I realized that I would never gain the attention I longed. But even though, I denied myself to think pessimistically for if I were to give up, then the was no chance at success. And so I continued, gradually producing more and more videos. This time around, I got myself a fancy screen recorder in order to mimic others before me. I hosted 2 gimmicky givaways promising long saught after items. In truth, I never did follow my word with either of them. The first giveaway(founder’s hat), I chickened out and never gave a way the prize because of the low number of contestants. I guess I thought my efforts were wasted on such an unimpressive crowd so I simply pretended to give the founder’s hat to my random account. I really am sorry to all of the people I betrayed with my short sighted attempts to lure in subscribers.

But my lying gets much worse.

As you know, I was prone to being scammed due to my trusting nature. I quickly learned the way of the world in animal jam at age 11 when I foolishly trust traded a stranger my orange spiked collar. This marked a turning point in my life, one that could never be reversed.

At this time, I became very desperate to regain my status as a “rare” jammer. I then discovered that many others were equally as foolish as I once was so I decided to exploit their weakness for my personal gain. It all started at the wolf party. I was there alone and depressed when I saw somebody with a rare headdress walk in. I tried to trade everything I could in order to acquire the desirable item but my trades were declined, one after the other. Hesitantly, I considered attempting to trick them into giving me the item. I then remembered this trick a friend taught me about making them send it to you as a part of a contest for a larger prize. At this time, the trading space was limited to 4 slots and I promised them I would send my 6 rare bows in exchange for the headdress. The other child warily sent me the item I so craved for.

I then quickly retreated to my den upon obtaining the coveted item. My hands trembled vigorously, nearly dropping my iPad. This rush was like nothing I’d ever felt before, and I liked it very much. I continued my scamming using various methods (there’s videos on YouTube I think) for many moons. Today, I sincerely appologize for my actions. I know very well that i’dve caused others like myself to turn to desperate measures and I personally know very well how much it hurts. I know nothing I say will ever make up for the long lasting effects of my actions. Heck, I’d even lost my account to a hacker who took even the things I’d paid real money for.

 In the end though, the world is a dark place filled with greed, desperation and hate. It’s really sad knowing that young children are being exposed to the true nature of society. I’m not trying to excuse my actions or anything but I would like to let you know that people are shaped by their experiences. Such exposure to these terrible feats will likely ruin ones self causing them to turn to terrible things such as scamming in order to regain why was taken. But by taking from another, you are bestowing then the same negative fealings that now belong to you. Basically, it’s a never ending cycle that keeps spiting downward into an abyss.

But while there are bad things in our world, there are much more good things that exist as well.

Animal jam was introduced to me through a dear real life friend whom I now haven’t seen personally in a while (although we’re still in contact through text). She often told me humorous tales about role playing in this mystical game. I curiously visited the animal jam site during feburary of 2013. I loved everything about the game, from the colorful animals to the communication with others. I was pretty much the biggest noob, choosing to be a black wolf painted with red flames. I even bought a necklace lol.

My friend (Delcattyaj from my YouTube) had told me to go to the forest to role play with others. When I was at the forest (serepia I think), I started to role play with others. At the time, I didn’t really understand how you were supposed to play so I pretty much just threw grenades (grape mades) around with a force field up. And I wondered why others didn’t want to play with me haha.

Anyways, a while after joining AJ, I discovered google plus, where I meet my best internet friend, puppylover1237. We met at a haunted plushie shop event advertised on the an community and we conversed together afterwards. They were pretty much the nicest person I’d ever met online due to the fact that we treated each other with mutual respect and shared a common sense of humor. To this day, we still communicate despite quitting animal jam. I am really thankful for having such great friends though his silly online game and even if we don’t stay in contact any more, I’d just like to say that I love all of you very, very much. You all shaped my into a better person and provided me support though my pre-adolescence.

In conclusion, I’m really sorry for all of the trouble I caused. I know it has affected many others and I’m really sorry, I hope you can one day forgive me if we meet again. And to all my dear friends, thank you so much for making 2014-2015 the most memorable year of my life.

I will treasure this experience for the rest of my days

(Ps I forgot to mention how much I hated the drama in the aj community, that crap was terrible)

I know nobody will read this but I really wanted to formally end off my blog. And if you are reading this, you really are a true friend and I thank you (again) from the bottom of my heart.

Special shoutouts to Delcattyaj, Puppylover1237/snowwy, mermaidhorsegaming, biowar12, cloudclaws, stormeoaj (he drew one of my first fanarts!!), magnet4friends, creepybwaba, stormeh, wolfy the animatronic, hyacinho ingis, kitty purr, Kayla p. And anybody else I forgot to mention.

This marks the official end of the aj icing on top blog.

Happy Halloween -Cupcake

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