Rarity scans

Rarity scan #1                                         Top hats

One of my favorite items in aj. they were real eased in the beta age but lost some of their value when they came out at the hat a palooza. They come in 8 variants: solid black, solid blue, solid red, striped pink, striped black, tan, striped blue and solid pink.

They are worth: Viking hats, mech hats, beta den items (i.e. Orange/blue mat, cami's frog, gecko banner),Rare beards, rare headdress, other top hats, a few monster teeth, a few for a rare spike

They aren't worth: rare item Mondays, epic wonder's stuff, seasonal items, rare bows, rare fox hats, beards, worns

Top hats

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I have a Viking hat and 2 monster teeth. Now I can finally get a top hat


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