Thursday, August 7, 2014


Hai guys! Cupcake here announcing the new update if animal jam! So first of all, the winner of the new den contest is the ice cream parlor! Even though I voted for he Egyptian treasure, im still pretty happy about the results :)
I hope the rest of the set comes out soon :3

There is also a new underwater adventure called turning the tide! It's really fun but im still really disappointed its not nm. (Shame on you, ajhq)

Anywho, it's currently adoption week and all pets are now 50% off ^-^ yay for pets! And apparently, you can preview dens by clicking on them! Who knew!
I cant wait to buy some pets :3
Yay! Its been confirmed that otters are being released! I cant wait! There's also a new vid called otterly fun which is super cute :)


  1. Can u tell me how to make I site urs is awesome. ..

    1. You need to make a blogger account and then create a blog o.o


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