Aj rarity scan #2

Rare long spike collars

Rare short spike collars
Rare short spike wristbands
Rare long spike wristbands
Rare spikes

So here's the deal people. The rare spike was released as one of the first monthly member gifts of aj. It's one of the most wanted items in aj but it's actually not so rare. Why do I say that? Well that's because I see them more often than rare headdresses. My rare long orange spike set got scammed a while ago when it was rare. I cried for a while but cheered up when the eagle adventures came out ( which is the reason it's not so rare now cause the forgotten desert is basically a spike generator).I still haven't gotten one yet though. They are both the same rarity though and are over traded for their looks.They come in 32 variants. There are short collars, long collars, short wristbands and long wristbands. They each come in 8 colors: black, purple, blue, orange, green, pink, red and yellow.

What they're worth- headdresses, top hats, mech hats, piggies, ok den betas, good rare item Mondays, some monthly member gifts.

What they're not worth- epic wonder's stuff, good den betas, most monthly member gifts (rare claw, nature arch, etc), un-released nerd glasses, bad rare item Mondays

Rarity scan #3 headdresses
Rarity scan #4 golden gloves

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